The same logic is applicable to the Republic of Minerva as well.
The islands were originally submerged in the middle of the ocean and in international waters. It wasn't until the micronation was formally established that Tonga decided to invade. Later on, Fiji and Tonga argued over who would own the islands:
In 1972, the Las Vegas millionaire Michael Oliver founded his own anarcho-libertarian nation at the Minerva reefs in the Pacific ocean. The reefs were at the time submerged, and in international waters. Oliver was dreaming about a nation without any governmental interference at all; no taxation, policing, social support systems or any element of control. Barges were loaded with sand from Australia and dumped on the reefs, until they penetrated the surface and became land mass. Oliver then wrote the neighbouring nations, declaring that a new independent nation was born; The republic of Minerva. This declaration was viewed with suspicion from the neighbours, who convened behind the back of the Minervians, and declared the reef to be a part of Tonga. Tonga invaded the nation and forced Oliver of the land. As of today, the national identity of the Minerva reefs is still being debated.
Link: reading the article, Liberland probably has a greater chance of surviving since the land isn't claimed by any existing country but I wouldn't be surprised if either Serbia or Croatia change their minds and decide to annex it for themselves if it is ever developed into anything significant or economically valuable.