regulate you to death. We all know.. there are two things you can never avoid.. Death & Taxes. It's good news, but it comes with bad repercussions for that community, if they
are using it to avoid taxes. You have to show governments the benefits of using this currency, not how they will lose tax income from people using it.
can you effectively regulate bitcoin?
and do goverments "realy" want it or do they just have to do this because of IMF restrictions?
Argentana has to do this because of IMF restrictions , if bitcoin is used more , they "goverment" finaly can own real assets instead of fake paper dollar bonds...
so do they "realy" want to stop btc... BTC can/will break the dollar domination if you keep it alive and let it grow...
BTC will make it imposible for the fed/ecb to do negative intrest rates ,,, etc....
just some things.