If only that would happen, think the world will be a must better and honest place.
For one thing, banks as we know it would be things of the past. We’d say goodbye forever, most likely, the current working methods of entities such as Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Chase Bank and all the other financial powerhouses we still put so much trust and faith in.
And this will be a good thing, the sooner the banks are reigned in and or the sooner they disappear the better.
Writer of the article should however get his facts straight. It's not bitcoin and or the blockchain that's susceptible to hacks but rather the security implemented by those running exchanges.
One of the big problems is that bitcoin, despite the security presented through the blockchain, is still susceptible to hacks and vulnerabilities that have been exposed rather heavily in the past through the collapse of Mt. Gox, the attack on Bitstamp early this year, and other similar occasions. Naturally, security and digital strength would likely improve over time and thereby put a damper on events of a criminal nature, but it’s hard to say exactly when and how this would occur.