Cryptid open source identification system uses the blockchain to revolutionize IDAccess control systems are an integral part of the security industry, which is vital across every campus, airport, corporate office, government building, and anywhere else the movement of people or their access to certain items or programs, is limited. Even the driver’s license in your wallet is a product of this industry, and it is likely laden with 45-year old magnetic stripe technology, and can be counterfeited by hundreds of different people around the world for an affordable fee on the dark web.
There are many dozens of access control and ID card-issuing programs for sale to businesses today, and far more proprietary programs that governments and the largest corporations use. No matter if they allow control over devices like door locks and badge scanners, all of them have a central database that holds personal data, and many of them issues ID cards of some kind.
The larger and more secure these databases grow, the more expensive they become. The largest require their own co-located datacenters, complete with armed guards and their own access control systems. This centralized paradigm is forever subject to hacking, downtime, software licensing fees and upgrades, huge energy costs, hardware limitations, networking restrictions, technical support, IT training, and more. Today’s systems, it seems, are far from perfect.
Cryptid is a new open source identity system. It’s a low-cost, extremely flexible ID-issuing and verifying program, that can be useful for organizations of all sizes. Using Factom to place encrypted identity data on a blockchain, this lightweight program allows for a variety of uses and configurations, and even allows for variety in the types of ID card or token used.
Because the identity records, including a small photo and fingerprint file, are no larger than a few hundred kilobytes, Cryptid’s team was able to use Factom to store entire records onto a blockchain, which is timestamped on the bitcoin blockchain too. There is no local nor administrator server that needs to be run for others to access; all data is decentralized and accessible anywhere on the planet.