Factom Purposefully Twisted The Truth Regarding Deal With Honduran Government
Mostly I like Jdebunt's articles, but this one is bad journalism. There were already some discussions about Honduras and I've never found any source or evidence that Factom said anything else than that they are working with Honduras to build a prototype for landregistry.
Apparently it's not usual for Factom to give any infos before it's safe and Paul Snow explained exactly that in the chat and that it was not Factom who dropped the info, but it came out. But is the info wrong? No. And now he has to defend himself because he did not just say: "Yeah, we talk about what we are doing and why the hell not?" but explained that they did not want any info to be published? Kind of interesting that somebody has to defend himself because he was open and honest.
Buntix claims in his article:
Based on earlier reports – including this Reuters article – Factom had secured a deal with the local government to record land title registries on the blockchain, creating irrefutable and timestamped logs of events.
In his article he quotes Paul Snow out of the context but he doesn't quote the lines of the reuters article where is (supposedly) said that there is a secured deal? About the other source(s): "Based on earlier reports"? Why this lack of precision?
In the reuters article is the info I've mentioned above, that the Honduran-Government works with Factom on a prototype. And also:
Honduras would become only the second government to use blockchain (...)
If secured deal: "will become".
"Kirby said Factom started negotiations in January. The pilot project should be completed by the end of the year, with the goal of eventually putting all of the government's land titles on the blockchain, he added."
The question is, if Peter Kirby would say "started negotiations in January" if there would be a secured deal. Or if he would say "with the goal of eventually putting all of the government's land titles on the blockchain" if there would be a secured deal.
No wrong infos and nothing about a secured deal in the article. And it's not even an Announcement of Factom.
Jdebunt should read this:
Journalism ethics and standards
No evidence that Factom purposefully twisted the truth. A lot of evidence that Buntix does exactly that.