Listen you chucklebums, someone needs to get their stories straight.
For one, Ethereum - whoever it was - spammed the living shit out of Reddit for several weeks straight, denouncing Bitcoin and parroting a lot of the bullshit I'm reading here about how "people are fleeing Bitcoin". I say, show me the proof in the form of Bitcoin Days Destroyed spiking (which it fucking hasn't), declines in mining participation (nope, still on an uptrend) and transactions per block (hey there, still an uptrend).
I don't care if Ethereum rises in price, its a separate system, and may have some features that people like -- great.
What I don't appreciate is some fucker conducting a "catfishing" expedition, painting the whole issue as if its some massive flight from Bitcoin into ETH -- because that is NOT fucking happening by any metric I can see. Take a look yourself over at if you'd like.
I'd caution those trying to profit off of a temporary price spike in ETH, as it seems this is primarily driven by a concerted campaign to instill FEAR in people - which is what I'm calling bullshit on. If your system is so great, you don't need to resort to these kinds of tactics, whoever you are.
Its enough to piss off an oldbie like me, then you know they've crossed the line of ethical behavior.