
Topic: [2016-02-17] Mt. Gox Bankruptcy Claim Update Shows Investigation Far From Over (Read 293 times)

Activity: 78
Merit: 10
Based on the information provided in the report, the investigation regarding the missing Mt. Gox funds is still on-going, and a fair amount of funds have been recovered by the bankruptcy estate so far. It is important to keep in mind these numbers do not represent the final tally by any means, as assets in JPY value have been recovered as well.

The main topic of concern is recovering the bitcoins themselves of course, as this is where most of the losses have been suffered by Mt. Gox users when bankruptcy was declared. As of February 9, 2016, a total of 202,163.41191816 Bitcoin has been recovered by the bankruptcy estate. If all of the funds can be accounted for correctly, the sum will then be transferred to an address managed by Attorney-at-law Nobuaki Kobayashi, who serves as the Bankruptcy Trustee.
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