
Topic: [2016-03-03] “The eBay of Africa” Bidorbuy Now Accepts Bitcoin Payments (Read 403 times)

Activity: 3066
Merit: 1147
The revolution will be monetized!
This has inspired me. I think 2017 I'll go to South Africa and meet with these guys. I still believe BTC is going to be huge in Africa. Anyone near Johannesburg?
Activity: 1442
Merit: 1016
Great news!
And again we made another small step forward on the african continent.
Little by little is better than stagnation right?! Smiley
hero member
Activity: 756
Merit: 500
At least someone is getting moving on this!  Good news for Bitcoin. I am waiting and waiting for a good ecommerce bitcoin platform to open and get this party started.
Activity: 1904
Merit: 1074
Thank you for posting this, I can buy from this place until the other bigger online marketplaces catch up to the trend. They have a pretty weak currency and some decent prices, so you might pick up

some bargain buys. I travel south about two times a year for work and would order some stuff and see how they are. The arrogance and stubbornness of the bigger online marketplaces will cost them

in the end, when the smaller guys get the competitive edge.  Grin
Activity: 3066
Merit: 1147
The revolution will be monetized!
This place has a lot of cool stuff. Thanks for posting!
Activity: 78
Merit: 10
People living in South Africa and other African countries will know the name Bidorbuy, as it is the continent’s largest online marketplace. While it may be a stretch to compare Bidorbuy with the likes of eBay and Alibaba, the platform holds a lot of value as an online marketplace and auction website for the African continent.

Considering how this platform serves over 1 million visitors on a monthly basis, and generates over 30 million page views, there is a growing interest in buying and selling goods online in Africa. That seems only normal, as there are a lot of people accessing the Internet through their mobile device. So much even that the financial industry in Africa is quickly turning into a mobile-only affair.
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