Indian star-up generation should realize make a good looking website is not a fuckin business but the services should be equally good.
If I had to describe start-up scene in India,I'd say its not creative,not business oriented and lacking potential.They run companies like a driver pulling the cart.I'm just waiting for the day when Investors finally realize how fucked up is the Indian tech market.
Yes. most of the good Indian developers are bought by the highest bidders with the biggest pockets in the UK and in Silicon valley. The locals are pulled to these industries, because they are hard
working people and are used to low paying jobs, making it even more attractive for 1st world countries. India has some of the poorest communities on the planet, and they need something like Bitcoin,
that would stimulate micro payments at the lowest possible fees to help the poor. Let them create loads of ecommerce sites, if it creates job opportunities and income for their people.