The 24 hour average across USD Bitcoin markets is US$738.92, the 7 day average is US$694.46, and the 30 day average is US$594.37.
Among active exchanges, the most volatile exchange of the day was localbtcUSD with a range between high and low trades of US$2032.88, the exchange with the smallest bid/ask spread was btceUSD with a spread of US$0.013, the exchange with the largest bid/ask spread was vcxUSD with a spread of US$135.0, and the most active exchange was bitfinexUSD with US$103944.548725 in trades made today.
The 24 hour average across EUR Bitcoin markets is EUR659.97, the 7 day average is EUR614.81, and the 30 day average is EUR515.57.
Among active exchanges, the most volatile exchange of the day was localbtcEUR with a range between high and low trades of EUR721.95, the exchange with the smallest bid/ask spread was rockEUR with a spread of EUR0.26, the exchange with the largest bid/ask spread was hitbtcEUR with a spread of EUR78.66, and the most active exchange was krakenEUR with EUR19419.370955 in trades made today.
Come back tomorrow for another Bitcoin market summary from Citizen Economists.