Krypton (KR), an Ethereum-based blockchain that develops immutable Smart Contracts and Apps for businesses and the Internet of Things was hit with a '51 percent attack' on August 26, a breach that some believe to be a prelude for potential future attacks. Since that time, Krypton successfully repelled a third advance, shutting down KR on the Bittrex exchange before additional funds were stolen.
The brainchild of technology engineer, currency trader, investor and analyst Stephanie Kent, Krypton serves as an alternative platform on which to deploy new technologies through a community of developers working to build these systems.
The vision has been to develop an ultra-fast blockchain that benefits from all of the features of Ethereum, all with a smaller cache of initial coins, stealth speed, and lower inflation. The development focus has to date been on 'D-tech', namely DAOs, DACs, and DApps...
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