News Bitcoin - Top Trends Pushing Bitcoin Towards The MainstreamChinese volumes make up over 90 percent of all bitcoin trading. Whenever the yuan is hiding-wealthdevalued, and the government announces capital controls, bitcoin’s price usually gets a boost. The digital currency is gaining popularity as a way for the Chinese to get money out of their country.
Estimates place offshore tax havens holdings as large as $32 Trillion dollars. Hiding wealth from governments is one of bitcoin’s biggest use cases to date. This should grow as more people learn to trust bitcoin as a store of wealth, especially when Swiss bank accounts have recently lost their anonymity and the Panama Papers leak revealed that offshore banking is not safe either.
Hyperinflation, demonetization, haircuts, bailouts, and other drastic monetary policies are insurancehappening at a faster pace globally. Each time it happens, hundreds or even thousands of the smartest people in that country wake up to bitcoin as they watch the value of their personal savings dwindle.
While each event has so far only added a modest few to the ranks of the bitcoin faithful, bitcoin is becoming better recognized as a hedge against local currency problems after each event.