
Topic: 2017-07-01 Barron' - Beyond Bitcoin: Blockchain Will Change Banking (Read 376 times)

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Merit: 1313
The hottest in­vest­ment of the first half of the year wasn’t Ama­zon.­com, Net­flix, or even Tesla. In fact, your broker prob­a­bly isn’t pitch­ing it, and it is barely even rec­og­nized by the Se­cu­ri­ties and Ex­change Com­mis­sion. Yet cryp­tocur­ren­cies—the most fa­mous of which is Bit­coin—are shoot­ing out the lights.
It’s easy to dis­miss the digi­tal cur­rency as an out­landish, even dan­ger­ous, fad. Don’t.


(Barron's is published by Dow Jones who publishes the WSJ)
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