I'm having a hard time understanding why Core doesn't want 2x. Does a somewhat larger block size really matter than much?
Buy Bitcoin Cash if you want a larger blocksize.
What I really wanted was Segwit, I don't care about Jihan's worthless BCH scam coin.
Segwit is already activated. So Segwit2x is not the same thing as getting Segwit, it's a separate, different fork.
Once we have the Lightning Network, it can increase scalability for mass adoption. But if the blocks are currently full, then why do we have to wait for LN? Why not settle for 2x as a short term solution at the moment?
Blocks aren't full right now. And that's not a good argument anyway, setting the blocksize so that full blocks are relieved by Lightning like a pressure valve is probably the best compromise.
And the reasons why not to opt for 2x are:
- The blocksize is now 2-4MB (depending on usage patterns) Segwit2x makes that 4-8MB, and 2-4MB is not being used right now (current daily average is between 0.8MB and 1.0 MB
- Because of the above, Core aren't going to double blocksize again, and so it means a Bitcoin Cash style hardfork
- Because of the above, the businesses that want Segwit2x are pushing ahead using devs who've demonstrated in the past that permission-less sound money is not their vision for Bitcoin
People aren't seeing the wood because of all those pesky trees. This hasn't got anything to do with the blocksize, and never did.
Bitcoin XT, Bitcoin Classic, Bitcoin Unlimited, and Segwit2x have all been pushed at Bitcoin users with the blocksize as the (simple) issue to push with. And Bitcoin users were always too smart to not see these campaign for what they were: attempts by big business to capture Bitcoin development, so they can change it into a permissioned system, no different to using banks (strange coincidence, I wonder if the banks are in favour of these forks
So, watch out for these people that are all like "hey, blocksize x is not so bad, so let's change the development team tomorrow!". It's got nothing to do with blocksize x, and everything to do with changing the development team.