
Topic: [2018-12-28] - Study of Bitcoin sentiment in mainstream media (Read 87 times)

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The mainstream media are quick to the sensationalist titles, and especially with the "sulphurous" cryptocurrencies, long remained taboo. Sometimes on the verge of fakes news, it is true that these traditional media are an indicator of the interest in technologies of cryptos and blockchains: and this interest is growing according to a study by Clovr.

Correlation between Bitcoin course and press articles

According to this Clovr site research, the turbulent relationship between the cryptosphere and the mainstream media has evolved significantly over time, and the first finding is that the media interest has closely followed the price of Bitcoin (BTC).

As we can see on this first graph above, the media take-off on the cryptoworld did not really start until the summer of 2017, with then a peak of articles coinciding perfectly with the peak of the price bubble, when BTC in December 2017 almost reached $ 20,000.

Another media spike came soon after, to comment on the beginning of the sharp downward correction in BTC prices, which began in early 2018. The fervor of the media then fell gradually, at the rate of falling prices.

More media coverage, but a change of tone

Clovr's study shows, however, that this increase in the interest of the major media was not necessarily made to praise the merits of cryptocurrencies, it would be rather the opposite.

Until 2016, the positive articles far exceeded the negative articles, but from the beginning of the increase in media interest in mid-2017, articles expressing a negative sentiment became more important.

However, this research suggests that a "normalization" of cryptocurrency sentiment has occurred in 2018. As blockchain technology becomes more widely known, very positive praise and very negative criticism become rarer. , and the feeling is on average more mixed and reasoned.

Positivity / negativity quite disparate

From one media to another, the feeling towards cryptocurrencies can be very variable.

Economic and financial media that cater to a younger audience tend to speak mostly for good of the cryptoworld. This is the case of Forbes and Business Insider. Others, such as CNBC, are almost neutral between positive and negative articles.

Not surprisingly, media outlets such as The Wall Street Journal and Reuters have clearly spread negative sentiment, with less than 30% positive stories.

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