For me personally quite astonishing information, given the fact that it is one of the most developed countries in the world or in top 5 largest world economy. I assume the information is available to people, but maybe UK media is not forcing too much things which are related to cryptocurrency?
You're spending too much time with people that are interested in cryptos and you take your experience as granted for everybody.
Now seriously, if we make a serious poll in the alt section a lot of people that are posting here have no real understanding of what crypto is or how
BTC works.I got tired of replying to tens of accounts during the fee war that were sure adding more miners to the network will make tx faster
The average person doesn't know what cryptos are, the average person doesn't know how to install an OS on a laptop, the average person goes to a service when taping something just once is not working on its smartphone.
Just how people that play Wow or Pubg are amazed you don't, just how some are thinking you're trolling them when you say you don't have a fb or tw account, it's the same for us who are used to cryptos.
For example, my parents or my wife have never used PP or bought something from Amazon, do you think they are calling each other with smoke signals?
I think those numbers are far more real than those surveys with 17% Turks and 15% Romanians owning some crypto.