= explains country status, sounds like Pres. of Brazil is lying
World Leaders from these countries speak about BITCOIN:Brazil = "I do not know what bitcoin is."
US = "I am not a fan of Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies, which are not money, and whose value is highly volatile and based on thin air. Unregulated Crypto Assets can facilitate unlawful behavior, including drug trade and other illegal activity..."
China = "A new generation of technology represented by artificial intelligence, quantum information, mobile communications, internet of things and blockchain is accelerating breakthrough applications."
Russia = "Federal laws [are] aimed at the development of the digital economy, including determining the procedure for conducting civil law transactions in electronic form, as well as regulating digital financial assets and attracting financial resources using digital technologies. Deadline — July 1, 2019."
South Africa = "To ensure that we effectively and with greater urgency harness technological change in pursuit of inclusive growth and social development, I have appointed a Presidential Commission on the 4th Industrial Revolution."
France = "Let’s do this in Europe, [be at the] the vanguard of agricultural data by developing tools that will track every product from raw material production to packaging and processing."
India = "The government does not consider cryptocurrencies as legal tender or coin and will take all measures to eliminate [the] use of these cryptoassets in financing illegitimate activities, or as part of the payment system."
Japan = "In addition to the financial effects, we see that blockchain has the potential to make various industries safer and more efficient. Certain local venture companies are utilizing the ‘sandbox system,’ and are striving to be the world’s first business model to enhance the liquidity of digital assets."
Malta = "We will now be showing people the added value of [blockchain] technology [by] applying it to something which they will use in their daily lives. This shows how the digital transformation will affect their lives."
Ukraine = "You may say that I'm a naive dreamer, but we really want to build a country inside a smartphone, a government inside a smartphone. […] Innovations make all the processes transparent and efficient and deprive corrupt officials of their livelihoods. Would a spetsnaz blackmail you to seize documents if these documents were digitalized? Would another raider change the owner’s name in cadastre records if it were a blockchain records?"
Albania = "As part of our effort to open up new markets and create new opportunities for well-paid jobs and qualified people […] we [have been] exploring the possibility of setting up a regulatory framework on cryptocurrency which is a shocking novelty nowadays and where the opportunity to be innovative and set up a center of gravity for innovative financial markets is open for every country despite their level of development."
Belarus = "Wait, we’ll build a nuclear power plant and will have excess of electricity… I’ve left some room there. We’ll build farms and we’ll be mining these bitcoins and selling them. Moreover, they say when there is a bitcoin, there is no problem to sell it."