Well any money is based on the faith of its users and of course declaring crypto illegal would be a huge blow to it, but my point is that doing that isn't going to stop criminals using it and they will continue to do so and just set up their own exchanges that operate outside of the law so all they're doing is penalizing the average joes like us who (probably) don't use bitcoin just for illegal things. This is obviously just how they will wage war on bitcoin by dragging its name through the mud just based on the possibility that it may be used for 'bad', but if there was any truth to this then they would ban cash as well. They obviously just see bitcoin as a threat as it's something they can't control but as for it's illegal use it's futile iin that respect because criminals will always find a way around it so all they're doing is making criminals out of the regular users as well. Instead of trying to tar everyone with the same brush they should just concentrate on going after the true criminals because cryptos are here to stay now for good or bad and whether they like it or not