For this reason, in the case of assets in digital form, a trusted central party is usually tasked with controlling the number of units (notary function) and is responsible for keeping track of who owns what (bookkeeping function).
to my knowledge bitcoin doesn't have this problem so they don't need to worry
Accordingly, the analysis concludes that the ECB should continue monitoring crypto-assets, raise awareness of their risks and develop preparedness for any future adverse scenario. This section aims to: i) provide an overview of risks stemming from crypto-assets, and ii) identify the main connections that may facilitate the transmission of these risks to the financial system and the economy, with a view to informing and calibrating monitoring efforts.
were expected the they say that
i) Individuals and financial institutions, including credit institutions/investment firms, payment institutions and e-money institutions, are not prohibited by EU law from holding or investing in crypto-assets.
But banks and governments keep making nasty comments about crypto that makes many people afraid to use cryptos, it would be great if this information was widely disseminated.