Taproot+Schnorr are currently bundled together in 1 proposal. It's still in the mailing-list RFC ("request for comment") stage. Code is ready, but that's implementing the draft spec. There was a change to the spec agreed just recently, to give you an idea. Also, that's the actual cryptography code, plumbing that into the consensus stuff, the wallet code, and writing the activation logic are all yet to be completed. But the crpytographic stuff is the parts that need most scrutiny, so this way round is best.
I think the idea is to avoid the activation controversy this time, it's better to maintain stability, or at least public/market perception of it. How that's done exactly is unconfirmed, flag day activation I expect.
optimistic would be code inclusion in the Winter 2020 release (version 0.21.1), then activation flag day set 6 months out from that
Bottom line: possibly Schnorr+Taproot ready to use in June/July 2021. I hope that turns out to be conservative tbh.