Wiggins serves no purpose once klay comes back. Simmons would be a much better fit. Can co run the floor with steph, and with steph and klay they don't need Simmons jacking 3s. Wiggins is inconsistent and needs volumes of shots to be effective on the floor. Simmons can effect the game without shooting which is why he would be perfect
This also how I see it, once Klay return playing the center of their offense is again for the splash bro but they need to have defenders who can run and that's how Simmons will work, he might not a good offensive shooter but with an open floor in front of him he can surely make a damage he's still young his legs still fresh to run together with Green, Iggy, Klay and Steph.
Waiting for that trade to happened, I don't see wiggins as a good addition to GSW, my opinion though.

Same here, Wiggins been in different teams already but he was not that so effective, so we are hopeful that with the addition of Ben Simmons, things will change for the better. I miss the old warrior, if only Thompson was their to play, they could be a championship contender team with a healthy Curry as well of course.
Compard to Simmons, I think Simmons is more of an all-around player as this guy could get a triple-double but a guaranteed double-double in every game. His rebounding and assist is also impressive, that's the reason why Warriors are interested in acquiring him.
But they ask to much on every teams who show an interest on Simmons so provably they cannot seal the deal if the ask to much just to dispose him on Sixers but if they lower down there ask trade piece maybe they can make this trade happen as they for sure right now Sixers and Simmons doesn't have a good relation right now. If Warriors can successfully get Simmons on their team then a huge chance for this team to go to playoffs or even more.
Simmons and Wiggins are almost the same range in terms of year breakdown of salary.
https://hoopshype.com/player/ben-simmons/salary/PROJECTED SALARY
Key: Player Option / Team Option / Qualifying Offer / Two-Way Contract
2021/22 $33,003,936
2022/23 $35,448,672
2023/24 $37,893,408
2024/25 $40,338,144
https://hoopshype.com/player/andrew-wiggins/salary/PROJECTED SALARY
Key: Player Option / Team Option / Qualifying Offer / Two-Way Contract
2021/22 $31,579,390
2022/23 $33,616,770
Both are at least paid $30 million per season, so this is a good potential from trade.