Fortunately, it is so, otherwise, it would be anarchy and we would return to the time of the far west with the cowboys.
In modern society, you need a leader to lead (no matter what politic you apply).
No matter who's sitting in the White House it's impossible to make everybody happy. There will always be a group of people who think that the state is not doing its job (the opposition). Perhaps a coalition politic should be mandatory to work together.
When someone feels the right to opt-out then it's ok but they should also opt-out for the free school their kids get, the electricity in streets, welfare, the swimming pools in the city, the roads, the retirement pension, any infrastructures paid by other citizens who agree to pay the taxes
Because they can't claim, if there is something to pay they opt out but if there is money to take there are here. Would they return the stimulus check, I guess no
Look, some people were preaching for Bitcoin to be regulated to help the mass adoption. Now there are taxes they want to opt-out
That's a geopolitical side, the colonial countries were much more devastating than that. Then what? we shouldn't pay our taxes? If the person leading the country is not the right person to do it, it's another story. In this case, there is something simple called the elections.
But those who pay their taxes correctly have not to be penalized by those who do not pay.