There is no final decision yet. Some of the members of the cabinet want to tax cryptocurrency transactions and make them legal, while some others including the RBI governor want to impose a blanket ban. So there needs to be some compromise in between and I don't think that the final terms are going to be very favorable for the cryptocurrency users. Don't forget that this is a country where e-Cigarettes, vibrators and satellite phones are banned. Do you guys really think that they will be progressive when it comes to cryptocurrency?
They probably will be very progressive when it comes to crypto - at least "progressive" as it is embodied in the US. And in the US "progressive" really means "regressive" where they want power and control. They regress back to the old Democrat position that your life is not your own and that it belongs to someone else, as in the old south, today though the Democrat party is a bit more subtle about it and uses flowery language like "equity" and "fairness" without ever defining those terms. At root they go back to their old position that they can take what they want by force and you have to claim to like it. BOHICA.