Politicians are very good in larping. They will larp for anything if they speculate that it will give them more votes, give more budget for their political campaigns or if it would make them millions. However, wait for the federal government to begin their campaign against bitcoin and the cryptospace and watch these larpers’ reactions. Will they fight for bitcoin?
NYC = Largest city economy in the US, PRO BTC
LA = 2nd largest city economy in the US, PRO BTC
Chicago = 3nd largest city economy in the US, no idea, never heard any politician from there talk about it.
San Francisco / Bay area = 4th largest city economy in the US, PRO BTC
Will there be a fight for more regulation from the feds, probably. Will the feds try to ban it, no, not with that kind of money (read tax base) behind it.
I would be more interested if major companies started supporting crypto