@NeuroticFish. What is certainly bullish about this is there will be more institutional investors that will buy and hold bitcoin because the fear of it being under an unknown legal classification is not there anymore. Also, there might be more financial outlets for regular people to buy small amounts of bitcoin and altcoins.
Imho this law only brings more clarity. Crypto was not prohibited in UK and businesses have contracts or departments for the legal part, there was not much of fear there.
So there may be only the average Joe who may get some more trust in that, but the history tells that people tend to invest when the price grows fast and they FOMO, not when there's a clearer legal status...
I speculate the next unregulated part of the cryptospace and where criminality's billions of dollars might flow is in NFTs. This cashflow going inside might help NFT total market capitalization grow by 10x or more.
I don't know... while proper companies (eg Disney) start testing the waters of the NFT world, for now I see most of the NFTs are based on images worse than my son would do in Paint(brush).
What I say is that NFT scene has to evolve some more to indeed get hands on the big money.
Agreed, however, it is the institutional investors mostly that are unwilling to take a risk because there is no clarity on regulations. Their billions of liquidity and cashflow will certainly cause the new fomo of the new bull market. The average joe has never really moved the market. We are usually the dumping ground hehehehe.
On NFTs, it appears not much people has understood that it is not only about the
artwork. Much of it is about the idea, the community and the culture. It is very much similar to memes. But memes where you can make some money like altcoins hehe.
@cr1776. Trading futures is for a different type of investor. They only want to profit on the volatility of the markets. They do not want to hold the assets.