If you read the second indictment of the mtgox hacker and combine with the first it seems pretty obvious that Roger *knew* he was laundering money because he entered into that sham "advertising agreement" and kept making USD payments even though no advertising was being provided.
It's also pretty obviously laundering because of the tradehill references it appears the bulk of the coin that went in was just immediately sold for USD which went to the hacker. So I don't think we even need to see that the trade was profitable for them, because it obviously would be (cause sure if they were just acquiring coins they might pay spot, but they were getting them, selling them, sending cash to the hacker's NZ accounts).
I'd love to see how the exact timeline of this worked out with against varrious Bitcoin Foundation figures pulling their funds off mtgox.
My vision of the transactions were that Bitcoins were being purchased at fenced discount rates, and kept.
You, however, opine that the fenced Bitcoins were purchased and resold by the same middleman. I hadn't thought of that.
Yeah, if certain Bitcoin Foundation figures were aware of (if not complicit in) the hack, then they'd have yanked their funds out first.
(If they were sublimely clever, they'd have left them in to prove they were mutual victims, lol.)
Very interesting reply, thanks Greg!
Making no accusation, however I do find it "odd" that Roger was guts deep in Mt. Gox computers to help fix the June 2011 hack, and just three months later the larger hack began.
Was it ever definitely determined that the purloined wallet.dat file was taken from the outside? Did Kim Nilsson figure that out?
I read something on sophos about the Mt. Gox hack being mostly an "inside job."