The forum is safe itself, and only forum users are unsafe with their personal issues, from careless clicking on links (includes phising links); arbitrarily visiting harzadous websites (like pornsites); enabling their emails in their forum profile pages and other places (bounties, campaigns, etc.); storing their account and email passwords online without secondary protections (such as passwords for sheets, or files they store accounts/ emails' passwords); don't have antivirus/ internet security softwares; and so on.
Authenticator Assurance Level 1: AAL1 provides some assurance that the claimant controls an authenticator bound to the subscriber’s account. AAL1 requires either single-factor or multi-factor authentication using a wide range of available authentication technologies. Successful authentication requires that the claimant prove possession and control of the authenticator through a secure authentication protocol.
Authenticator Assurance Level 2: AAL2 provides high confidence that the claimant controls an authenticator(s) bound to the subscriber’s account. Proof of possession and control of two different authentication factors is required through secure authentication protocol(s). Approved cryptographic techniques are required at AAL2 and above.
Authenticator Assurance Level 3: AAL3 provides very high confidence that the claimant controls authenticator(s) bound to the subscriber’s account. Authentication at AAL3 is based on proof of possession of a key through a cryptographic protocol. AAL3 authentication requires a hardware-based authenticator and an authenticator that provides verifier impersonation resistance; the same device may fulfill both these requirements. In order to authenticate at AAL3, claimants are required to prove possession and control of two distinct authentication factors through secure authentication protocol(s). Approved cryptographic techniques are required.
Bitcointalk is only authenticator assurance level 1. Tbh, if people started signing our messages with bitcoin addresses, we'd be at level 3; but that's on the user to do.