A classic ponzi-type of game.Lets say this is based on smart contract but still...
Payouts for those who exit are instant. We do not store any ETH at the contract. No scam.
Don't Worry, Be Happy
This is indeed a MLM program, better to ask people to knock you out or you are get out instantly but I do not think that you guys are putting huge amount on the smart contract, if there is some amount there,you should give us some proof of it. We never know when we will going to be knocked out by anyone here but at least there should be some funds stored on your smart contract right? And to be cut down by 10% is pretty huge amount, you should consider this. May be you can clarify everything here right now or the red flag going to stay forever
let the owner try and run his project and see for himself
once he runs it for some time and gets under 0.2 eth deposited in total he might reconsider creating pyramid style things in the future
smart contract or not the idea behind this is always same- no product , just the money of the ones who come later than you to pay you
and the rest who joined earlier until there are no more ... risky individuals