A Paypal for Bitcoin trade, with the added stipulation of purchasing an airtime recharge?
Or... what is this?
Something like that. Anyways its over.
I don't have PP and You could sent it to my btc but since its very low the money will b wasted on fees.
So, you hacked someone's PayPal account and after all that work it only has $5 in it? Man what a drag. So, you'll send me that $5 in exchange for me buying you $2 worth of Ethiopian Airtime? 250% ROI? Who wouldn't do that?
I'll tell you who; people who want to promote honesty and integrity in the digital world, don't want to support hackers and thieves, and who's greed (all $3 worth) is less influential in their lives than their integrity. Not to mention the eventual charge-back for the $5, leaving the person who "helps" you out the $2 sent to Airtime, the $5 you promise, and the $20 PayPal fee for processing the charge-back.
Interesting ploy, maybe it will work on people who fell off the turnip truck yesterday. Here we tend to be more skeptical, and we look out for each other. So, in other words, get lost.
Aww. I see. That's really good point. I'm always learning how to act online. I appreciate you! Thank you! #Innocent.