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would like to earn BTC3
here is the answer: is an exchange encrypted currency place
when you buy in on RocketIco10x walls ,the price included 10% more fee and 0.25 btc prepay,within4x,5x,6x,7x,8x,9x,10x price walls and each wall - 10% btc amount
the same as RocketIco512x walls.
ICO means Initial Coin Offering
when u buy walls, 0%means 20% fee + 0.5 btc prepay.this costs more.u can also buy 50% a wall (10% fee + 0.25 btc prepay)or 100%(10% fee).the fee based on how much u bought.theres a minimum commission,so make sure u have enough money in ur account.secp256k1 is now gaining in popularity due to its several nice properties.
waiting for money
so i explain more
on this website is a kind of gamble with bitcoins ,and theres different odds on different types of walls.of course it has extra fee when u buy it.its a commission charge.when u buy a wall ,to the publisher, this is a way to raise funds, like buy in stock in another meaning.
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