is the story of 2 monkes and 3 thugz who were sick of animal pfp projects and management teams that just coast and collect royalties. We decided we could do better. We're a team of 5 full-time (including 2 full-time developers) building an enduring brand that we know will have a positive impact on the Solana ecosystem.
How will we build a top 5 project?
Utility: Playable Mini-Game At MintWe have developed a playable mini-game that will be done BEFORE mint (not on a roadmap) with truly massive prize pools to enable us to create immediate value for holders.
Utility: Licensing RevenuesPost-launch we'll leverage our codebase to release a no-code, bolt-on mini-game platform to make any other Solana NFT interactive. From there, we'll continue to develop no-code solutions that other developer-constrained projects can utilize.
CommunityWe provide NFT and crypto alpha chats completely free for members ($200+/month value absolutely FREE) and we're also home to artist, developer, and foodie sub-communities.
ArtYes, it’s subjective, but we screened 200 artists over a month, trialed seven, and ultimately brought onboard the best two we could find. No, they aren't household names yet, but with your help, they will be.?