Welcome To 30Bitcoin.co Official Topic
Now You Can Earn More Every Day
What is 30Bitcoin.co?
30Bitcoin.co is normal faucet but with new way to get more earn.
the rate is very little how can i earn more?
With 30Bitcoin.co You Can Earn more than your claim every day
e.g to get more coin on lees time you have to claim 1 time at lest per 24 hours
what the new on 30Bitcoin.co ?
Now You Can Get Claim + Bonus uP To 100% + Referral system uP To 100%
how can i earn from referral system?
you can earn as how many referrals active on last 48 hours max 100% per your claim
e.g if you are on the 15 day level and you have 90 referral just 50 active on last 48 hours
you will get
1700 Claim + Random bonus 1%:25% + 50% referral
1700 + e.g 20% (340) + 850 = 2890 satoshi per 3 hours
e.g if you are on 30 day level and you have 200 referral just 120 active on last 48 hours
you will get
3000 claim + random bonus 1%:100% + 100% referral
3000 + e.g 20% (600) + 3000 = 6600 per 1 hour
**this days level rate depend on bitcoin precis so maybe changed any time.
can i lost my day level?
yes if you don't claim 1 at lest time last 24 hours
Happy Earning
what about our old balance and old referrals?
we lost them?
all went to zero
The site was not workingو was on probation How is the pay that؟
continuo your work and will be compensated any one lost by it but not now still new and in the first day
We apologize so hard