The ideea was protection in that way was like not helping me,like right now i got 4 msg in private msg but i cannot comunicate with them,and even using Skype ...i still need to trade using pm in forum with the escrow/buyer to be sure i dont get cheated or either the buyer.
Anyway in this following month who will need Apple Itunes US,Greendot,One Vanilla,Amazon gift cards,all will be value $500 with a 48h warranty and all deals will be done through ESCROW.I hope you dont get this "as adv" because is not:)
So you are selling stolen cards and you instantly want the same privileges in the community that the senior members have? Go rot in a dumpster somewhere.
Please bring a proof for those words or is the same kiddengarden playground where "i know is true,because i say so"?You made an afirmation glady i am waitting for a "proof" to prove your words.