Now its 5 days but the transaction is still unconfirmed. Seller has vanished and his mobile number unreachable.
Two questions:
1- can he somehow cancel this transaction or take back those coins he sent me?
2- is it normal to 5 or more days delay in transaction confirmation on 120sat/byte fees?
My transaction:
Need help, please reply. Thanks in advance!
- Taylor
1. Because he used, it will be dependant on them to cancel his transaction -- stop broadcasting it. Which i believe will happen after a certain amount of time, I am not sure how that process will take.
( As it is a web wallet)
2. With the current mempool the average fee is ~900 sat/b, i'd say that with the current state of the mempool, this isn't uncommon.
You should try every hour to get your transaction into the ViaBTC accelerator, as that is the only one that still works.
Note that you have approx 5-10 seconds to get your transaction in, before their limit is reached again.
Should I use their paid service at ViaBTC if you are sure it works. They are asking for payment in BCH for a transaction of BTC. Please advise. Thank you very much!