Coin Forest is the first short term group buying site for bitcoiners. If you must have an analogue, the most obvious is groupon for bitcoin.
However, we care about our community and our vendors. Our products are not local like groupon, but focus on that which can either be delivered electronically or shipped.
Our mission is to help grow the bitcoin economy.
Our second deal just launched at We're offering .CO domain registration via at 0.17 BTC, which is equivalent to 50.3% off by current bitpay rates of $96.55/BTC."I'm not one to tell you how to run your site, of course. It just seems a bit odd to me to peg it to hard currency, when what you are trying to do is promote bitcoins AS hard currency... but hey! It's your deal
" - COO at Gandi US
Gandi is an awesome company, and we're excited to have us and our members be bitcoin ambassadors.
Our opening deal has been discussed extensively, with positive feedback here: also followed through on our commitment to donate to the EFF from our first sale, and we'll continue to do so.
Your feedback is very welcome here. I'm also interested in hearing from vendors with a product geared towards bitcoiners (including ASIC USB resellers). Interested vendors are best to email me at
[email protected].