Please confirm.
Yes. Received it.! Thanks.!
Sorry for the delay. And i would like to inform the board about a possible scammer. His user name is "Joshster"
He contacted me after i posted this thread with intentions to buy the BTC's. After seeing his reputation with the previous purchases (scams) he had made, i insisted that we make the transaction through Escrow for which he agreed after being reluctant for a while.
But finally he never completed the transaction after I initiated the escrow.
P.S : Mod Benson, is there a way we can stop scammers like these. May be Ban their email and IP address (I know it is not fool proof, but atleast lets make it difficult for guys like them to get back on the board. If not for the entire board, probably just for the India sub forum). People like him are bringing bad name to Indians on the board and it is getting harder and harder for genuine traders to trade with a non-desi.
Oh and the best part was, i was little pissed and wrote a strongly worded PM to him after i withdrew my escrow for which he had the audacity to say something similar to this "Sometimes it works and sometimes it won't"
He literally accepted that he was trying to scam me.!
Yep, I know.. That is why everyone was being extra careful on this deal.
Can you please PM me all the messages where there is an indication of scamming and I will ban him.