The reason different states vary as to whether or not they have sales tax, is based on what increments if any they agree that precious metals are an investment. While in PA, they don't tax Percious metals at all, Mass made the decision that its an investment purchase if you buy more than $1000 worth, so there is no sales tax on purchases/sales over $1000 in Mass. The Capital gains tax is similar to any investment such as stocks. You are required to pay I believe its a 20% tax on capital gains. So as I said before, if you buy $50,000 worth of gold, and sell it for $50,000. You will be subject to no taxes. If you buy $50,000 worth of gold and sell it for $60,000 you are required to pay that 20% capital gains tax on the $10,000 you made. If you buy $50,000 and it drops, technically, you could get a tax writeoff.
Source for Mass Sales Tax:
"There are NO sales taxes on out of state orders or Massachusetts bullion purchases larger than $1,000."
Source for PA Sales Tax:
" For example, JM Bullion is located in Pennsylvania, which doesn’t have sales tax on precious metals sales, thus we never charge any of our customers sales tax."
Source confirming both again:
Technically, you could do everything off the books anyway, since like I said, Precious metal sales are done in cash, however I'm explaining the legal way to do it, which I'd probably reccomend, since you shouldn't have to pay any taxes anyway.
Thanks. You have been really helpful. I am still going to spend a few more days looking into wire transfer options, but this will be my backup.