Hello Dear Community,
I never believed it but yes, pigs can fly. https://prnt.sc/nqc958
Thank you very much for your contributions HCP, LoyceV, Avirunes, bob123, TryNinja, AdolfinWolf, posi, Pamaldar, ranman09, Lucius, vit05, rijaljun, figmentofmyass, LeGaulois, Indamuck, examplens, pawanjain Many apologies, if I forgot anybody who left a comment.
If you need help in any case, you can always ask. Your comments helped me to endure all these hardships and setbacks during my communication with Binance.
Don't lose your faith in humanity.
See you then!
this is a very positive precedent, really surprised with the result.
I'm glad you solved it, and I'm even happier to know that any similar errors will be solved.
Good luck in the future