Which cooling fans, water cooling and other stuff?
I checked out the TriXX utility by Sapphire for overclocking the ATI Radeon Graphics card. It turns out that this utility was developed to support only the ATI 68xx and 69xx series of cards.
Among the ATI HD 58xx series, it supports only the 5850 GPU. So, unfortunately I won't be able to make use of it for my GPU. Is there any other software which provides similar features as TriXX?
when i say "cooling rack" it's my variant of the open air designs you see mostly, a system is enclosed with in the prototype(it works and i'm too lazy to build another until i have more rigs to put in it) cools 2 systems with a single box fan looks like this
as far as trixx is concerned it works just fine on 5xxx cards including 57xx and 58xx if it's throwing you issues i suggest trying one version prior to the one you downloaded