But ultimately the best is to replace it with a new fan, as your bearings are probably worn out: http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-ATI-Video-Card-4870-5970-5870-5850-4890-5450-5650-4350-Replacement-75mm-fan-/271103944516?pt=PCC_Video_TV_Cards&hash=item3f1f0de744
yes, i bought 5 fans from that guy as well -- about 6 months ago... back then they were like $10 each and a bit less in bulk, though.
i've used 3 of them, no problems from those
the non-ref cards get ziptied 120mm fans (or none at all, I have 3 running in a case w/ just a floor fan blowing at them.. i dont think that'd work in summer though... but I guess I wont have to worry about that!)
Cool i have 5 x 5970's so will get a few fans to suit