Thank you for the super helpful answers! However the estimated hash amount / 1 attempt remain somewhat chaotic.:
The logic of hashings in the case of 1 proof of work attempt.:Statements:1) hashing a block with 1 transaction takes exactly the same amount of effort as hashing a block with 10,000 transactions. Source: The preparation of the merkle tree - hashing the transactions into a block - is also the task of a miner.
3) When an ASIC is working at 15 TH/s, it means that it make 9,000,000,000,000,000 hashes in ten minutes.
4) The average nonce value of the previous 16 blocks is: 1,845,583,671, with a minimum value of 107,730,458 and a maximum value of 3,930,999,388. (I dig deeper, but the pattern shows, that the nonce falls between this rough interval.)
Conclusions:i) In practice the miners calculate the nonce from 0.
that means computing SHA256(SHA256(80byte)) or 3 SHA256 block compressions.
ii) If 1-3 hash means 1 attempt of proof of work, then one miner with a 15 TH/s mining power has to find the golden nonce in a tiny fraction of a second which is impossible, hence the following possibilities:
Possible explanations:A) The hashing process starts with constructing a merkle tree and after every attempt the merkle recalculation has to start over. Seems logical, but that would mean, that the statement 1) is false.
B) After using up the original 4 byte size of the nonce field, the usage of the extraNonce field starts to cause the coinbase transaction to change. And after that threshold every attempt require to recalculate the entire merkle structure. That wouldn’t make the statement 1) entirely false, only inaccurate.
C) A miner can work on a proof of work simultaneously.
D) After 1 hash, there is a vast amount of processing - or any other derivation work - , which a miner has to done. Knowing the simple nature of ASIC devices, it is a very unlikely scenario, but couldn’t be ruled out using simple logic.
E) Every time the timestamp - or anything else in the header - is modified, the nonce can be restarted and can be counted from 0 again.
F) The vast majority of valid proof of works are made by large mining pools. There is a secret mechanism behind the administration of community mining which in beyond my current knowledge.
As I was writing I was almost certain, that the E) is the correct answer. That would also explain the somewhat deterministic and narrow range of the nonce values. However it would lead to other questions.:
Q1: At what rate the timestamp usually changes in the block header?
Q2: Is it possible that the recalculation of a merkle tree causes the change in the header? Because there is 2 hour ‘concession’ it is also very unlikely that timestamp is frequently (within the 10 minutes) modified.
Q3: If not the timestamp, than the recalculation of the merkle root is the main cause of the narrow range of the nonces. Then explanation A) can be also true, right?
Q4: Do you have any source which illustrated the working principle of an ASIC miner?
Yes, that must have happened or may happen at one point but I can't find the logical reason for asking this specific question.
I tried to see the mechanics of the entire process in a different perspective. The only reason was complete understanding.