
Topic: 💪💪💪💪💪💪 6 reasons why i think Dragonchain (DRGN) is directly related to DISNEY (Read 99 times)

Activity: 182
Merit: 10
Its obviously disney's coin ,i have been following this project from the start,you could follow disney if you arent convinced it is the official cryptocurrency of DISNEY,the team behind it is working at disney and they are the official developers of disney so yes if you have done your research that is the reason why DRGN succeed in ICO because it is the cryptocurrency of DISNEY.
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
6 reasons to call it Disneychain.

Why I think Dragonchain (DRGN) will be presented as part of The Walt Disney Company.

1 - The marketing campaign carried out during the Dragonchain ICO.

“Disney, yes Disney, becomes blockchain’s biggest proponent” (cit. ZDNET)

The first time Dragonchain faced the need to bring attention to its product, Disney allowed a marketing campaign with a clear strategy to be launched: to present Dragonchain as a Disney made project.
To achieve its purpose, Dragonchain created PR releases, which are still visible on the homepage. The titles of these PR releases directly aim to the main target of the campaign, while reading the article in detail, all the disclaimers necessary to support another type of relationship with Disney came out.
I dare anyone to believe Disney would allow a project to stake its reputation in a hot market like the ICO / crypto, without any return. That’s why i think the truth is that Disney (aware of how much a relationship with its brand would have benefited Dragochain's success), approved that. I think this is he first element showing Disney’s significant interests in Dragonchain project.

2 - The Team. 

A Disney team for a Disney project.

If Disney didn’t provide a Disney-Team to the Dragonchain project, the project couldn’t have been considered with the same potential as the other projects they carry on in other markets. Please also consider that if Disney launch a project, they definitely want it to succeed.
That’s why they had to drop the mask and give more than one element to a startup.
Beware, this is not an irrelevant point: having elements of a major brand leaving a stellar job to try luck with a fresh startup does not sound credible at all, and we’re not talking of just a couple members, it was epidemic! In addition, is a brand new startup able to steal qualified profiles with proven experience from a mega-brand such as Disney? I don’t think so. Therefore, in my opinion, these "quirks" reveal that Disney wanted to provide Dragonchain with a stellar team that could bring to the project the quality standards and product value that Disney provides.

3 - The Location.

Welcome to Disneyland!

If there’s no close relationship between Dragonchain and Disney, how come Dragonchain has the Disneyland hotel available to expand their brand awareness? That’s another point showing a quite relevant support to the project since the very beginning. Disney has granted, and keeps giving Dragonchain its locations to launch a clear marketing message to the trend-setters and possible customers "Dragonchain’s house is Disney".

4 - The Payoff.

It’s “Magic”.

Dragonchain registered the words "Blockchain Business Magic"
. "Magic" is the only word Disney would never give up to. “Magic" is indeed the unique word that immediately makes you recall to the "Disney" brand.
The word "Magic" is used for various Disney brands, in the payoff. Like for the “Disney ABC Television - The MAGIC of story telling”. Should we consider this a Dragonchain stalk against Disney, or a casual event? Neither of them, in my opinion, this is another point where Disney has necessarily had to reveal its future plans in advance. 
As you can see here, they also own this cruise ship named Magic.

5 - The Product Identity

The same as all the other Disney products!

Just try to imagine the Dragonchain logo/site/corporate identity redesigned by Disney, and you will notice that the result would be very similar to the current one, if not the same. It is not to be excluded that Disney has also provided its team to create these parts. From the name to the logo, from the graphics of the site to the tone assumed in the communication by the team, nothing betrays the style of Disney. Everything was created and interpreted as would Disney, in order to be reunited with Disney.

6 - The reason and strategy.

The truth for those who can appreciate it.

Disney aims to be among the first brands to benefit from the success and expansion of blockchain technology, but they know that this topic is also attracting some criticism.
The strategy Disney is carryin on is to show its relationship with Dragonchain only to those who "believe" in the potential of blockchain technology:

A ) to TREND SETTERS (those who can bring interest on DRGN) Disney creates improbable dynamics such as those described in the ICO marketing campaign, Team, Location, Payoff and Product Identity points. These facts / relationships that reveal the true nature of the project, do not escape the most attentive observers, Disney knows that these arguments will emerge and use them to create viral advertising.

B ) to its PARTNERS Disney “explains” his relationship with Dragonchain clearly, with facts. If you want to talk about Dragonchain you have to make it at the Disneyland hotel, plus, Dragonchain is invited to events promoted by Disney, in which only brands already established in the market participate. As happened in the meeting with Konami during an event promoted by Disney (Official URL of the event http://

C ) Incubator and platform CUSTOMERS. To its customers Disney “explains” its relationship with Dragonchain providing a product with Disney-like standards. How? The team that created, and keep workin’ on the code comes from Disney, additionally the blockchain has been developed in Disney.

D ) For the possible TOKEN BUYERS, during the ICO, Disney has created PR releases already mentioned in the point "The marketing campaign carried out during the Dragonchain ICO"


Mine are just opinions.

Disney shows its relationship with Dragonchain, but only to those who believe in blockchain technology. When the whole world will have a clearer and more positive view of the blockchain, the world will be ready to know the true bond between Disney and Dragonchain. Until that day, Disney is ready to show the relationship with Dragonchain when this is necessary for the success of the project. Awaiting that day, Disney is already committed to transmitting all the distinctive features of a Disney project to Dragonchain.
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