
Topic: '60 Minutes' Exposes 1976 Swine Flu Hoax & Mass Vaccine Injuries That Followed (Read 105 times)

Activity: 3766
Merit: 1368
and how now to believe the sources of information?

Here's how.

If the CDC says 40,000 people died from Covid, and somebody else says only 500 people died from Covid, who are you going to believe?

What you do is look through the rest of the CDC info until you find where they say that only 500 people died from Covid. Then you know that the CDC is lying about something.

The thing about it is that the CDC is never that straight forward. You might be able to find CDC statistics for the flu, pneumonia, the common cold, heart attack, cancer, Covid, and a bunch of other things. Then when you add them all up, you find that it's way more than the official number that died. Or you might find that Covid deaths are nothing compared with the millions that die from cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. So why do we have a Covid pandemic?

The CDC has just told you by their figures that Covid is essentially nothing, and that there is no reason for a pandemic. So, what's the real reason for the pandemic? And when are you going to start believing the other people who have already run the numbers and have found that the CDC is a deceptive liar?

Activity: 16
Merit: 0
and how now to believe the sources of information?
Activity: 3766
Merit: 1368
Now you are going to get aborted baby stem cells in the new vaccine... or maybe it isn't limited to aborted baby stem cells. Maybe it's all kinds of aborted baby cells.

FACT: Coronavirus vaccines will contain aborted human babies

Pro-lifers everywhere had better think long and hard about what they plan to do in the event that state or local governments try to mandate vaccination for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) once a jab is commercially released because chances are those syringes will contain the remnants of aborted babies.

Even though President Trump has said that Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines will not be mandated at the federal level, there is still the possibility that some states may try to force them locally, which will put not just those opposed to vaccination in a tough position but also those who recognize the sanctity of unborn human life.

After it was announced recently that Canada's largest federal research and development organization has teamed up with a Chinese vaccine company to test a new trial coronavirus vaccine in Canada, Dr. Alan Moy, M.D., founder and scientific director of the John Paul II Medical Research Institute and CEO of Cellular Engineering Technologies decided to do some digging, upon which he discovered that the test vaccine in question is made from aborted fetal cell lines.

Activity: 3766
Merit: 1368
This video doesn't start out in direct talk about the dangers to freedom that Covid is becoming. But the list below, is a list of points at different times in the video.

Fear, Credibility, and the Threat of a Police State

Make no doubt about it: COVID-19 is a dress rehearsal for a police state. Dennis Prager is taking a bold stance on the coronavirus because he is dedicated to truth. He also addresses the left's contempt for working people, the growing threat of a police state, and the danger of putting our health above our rights and freedoms.

Dennis's columns mentioned:
The Worldwide Lockdown May Be the Greatest Mistake in History Huh?…ke-in-history/
Our Dress Rehearsal for a Police State Huh?…-police-state/

0:00 Dennis Received Otto Socks
1:34 Dennis's Consistent Covid-19 Beliefs
3:49 Ruined Lives Of Low-Risk People
4:45 The Paralyzing Effect Of Fear
6:54 Hydroxychloroquine Saves
8:30 The Worldwide Lockdown Is A Mistake
9:57 The Left's Contempt To End Lockdown
12:05 Dennis Hurting His Credibility?
13:37 Stand By Truth No Matter What
15:37 The Left Has Corrupted The Sciences
18:58 God Bless The Swedish Government
20:14 Experts Have Destroyed People's Lives
21:51 Dress Rehearsal For A Police State
23:54 Science And Secondhand Smoke
24:50 Health Above Rights
26:07 "Publicly Owned" Is A Facade
27:10 Elites With Contempt Still Have Jobs
27:49 Why Is Everyone Quarantined?
29:20 No Longer The Land Of The Free
31:27 Do You Fight For Freedom?

Activity: 3766
Merit: 1368
It's only gotten worse. In what ways? The injuries are more subtle and long lasting, and you can't easily sue the vaccine makers.

'60 Minutes' Exposes 1976 Swine Flu Hoax & Mass Vaccine Injuries That Followed

At that time, the US had a population of 218-million people, and 46-million took the vaccine. Four-thousand were injured by the vaccine and filed lawsuits for-$3.5 billion. Most of the claims were for neurological damage and death. According to 60 Minutes, the vaccine was never even tested, although the media propaganda proclaimed that it was safe and effective – and necessary to prevent the spread of a pandemic that never was. -GEG

Mike Wallace 60 Minutes Exposes Swine Flu Pandemic & Vaccine Fallout of 1976

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