Why would anyone want to do that though? Also, I don't think it would work for long. Gold is a very large and established market... Bitcoin is far smaller and its use may very well grow at a rate that makes it impossible to hold the price of bitcoin at just 1/600 oz of gold. A person trying to hold that exchange rate may very soon find themselves holding 10,000 oz of gold and no bitcoins.
So, they lose nothing and bitcoin takes off as a medium of exchange for subdividing gold, skyrocketing in price at the same time. Sounds like a good plan for someone with a lot of bitcoins and 10,000 oz of gold. They are now wealthier and can spend their gold more easily in the form of bitcoins.
Wrong...by trying to peg a rate of exchange they'll simply create an arbitrage opportunity for everyone else and quickly go broke.
He would end up with 6,000,000 btc and no gold.
Well, maybe not, but with a lot of bitcoins and very few gold.
The market price for BTC would rapidly respond as soon as the first few successful trades with the gold seller. If he was well invested in bitcoin before the gold offer, he could sell off and then retract his offer. The price would drop and he could walk away with a nice profit or reinvest. If he actually wants to sell it all instead of just selling a few ounces to convince people it's legit, he may well end up with quite a few bitcoins and no gold. After the gold was gone, the price would move toward what the market sans gold can support, and he would be at a loss. If he has a very large portion of the bitcoins, that value might be very low.
So, if he follows through he goes broke. If he takes advantage of people's assumption of continuity he could profit. Arbitrage opportunities that are too good to be true usually are. It may only work long enough to get people to invest in it, and not long enough for them to even get back what they put in.
Then that isn't really backing bitcoins. Backing bitcoins by anything is really a silly idea. With gold and bitcoins, you're dealing with two currencies whose quantity is fixed. So attempting to peg the value of one to the other is like trying to mandate how everyone should value one vs the other. It can only work on a short timescale (until you lose all of your bitcoins, all of your gold, or both). Pegging or backing a currency can only be done if you control the supply of that currency (like the way mtgox backs mtgusd with bank deposit usd redeemable via wire transfer).