The stock market likes the bailout promises. A lot of the Dow and S&P 500 companies dumping through the ground a week ago will get some of that sweet helicopter money. And they'll be getting a whole lot more than $1,200.
Given how fragile the economy is, are they? This isn't quite like 2008 where the government was bailing out banks for terrible gambles. Most sectors in the economy are collapsing (at least temporarily) and are begging for a handout.
This is like a recurring incident in 1930 and 2008 with the title "too big to fail".
In 2008, large companies on Wall Street collapsed due to their own greed and cunning in doing business. The company elite still profit and live luxuriously. Only small employees who are lost are lost. The US administration, on the advice of its economists, decided to disburse hundreds of billions of dollars to cover the losses of these companies. Even though the real victims are the US people (they work hard to earn money and then pay taxes, that tax money is used to bail out Wall Street, subsidies and social welfare facilities of the US people are cut, because the money runs out to protect the capitalists from losses).
In terms of justice, this bailout policy is truly absurd: how is it possible, there are business people who go bankrupt due to their own mistakes, then the people who are told to bail out? But this is capitalism. Their logic: if the businessman is destroyed, the people will also suffer the consequences because the economy stagnates.
Among the companies on Wall Street that received US government bailouts were Citigroup, American Internation Group (AIG), Bank of America, Merril Lynch, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, etc. And you know, most of these companies are donors to Obama's campaign funds! It's 'natural' if Obama submits to the capitalists.
In 2011 there was a big wave of demonstrations "Occupy Wall Street" which was a counter-hegemony against capitalists. This year, it seems that the Trump government has strong legitimacy to bail out with the outbreak of corona in America.