But do they have evidence they're being spied on are they just being paranoid. That being said I thought the NSA had access to everyones data so it wouldn't surprise me if they're snooping on journalists especially.
They have reasons to be paranoid.
Better safe than sorry.
Everyone doing something like journalism should be taking extra privacy measures just in case. Paranoia is justified in this post NSA world.
I agree they have good reason to believe this the US government has a long history of snooping wherever it needs to, Watergate would have started because they was snooping and found damning evidence that others new the corruption they undertook.
I guess it's okay for them to do this by law as it would be under the guise of national security etc
the terrorists of the future are the governments own people especially the journalists who uncover the truth.
At least they are not physically harmed 'yet' who would know if they was taken away interrogated threatened with violence if they spoke out again death, black balled etc
Coincidence I am sure...