vaporware imo, in two months hes mined 20 to 30k of coins , and he can
switch to mine anything else without needed 4% fee bitstreams. by the time fpgas pick up steam
we will be on to Vega 20s and 11x cards
fpgas are pure smoke ans mirrors hype just like asics , they claim to change the game and help
boost your profitability but there’s always a catch , and buyers always get fucked
the question no one ever seems to ask is why the fuck are they selling these magic fpgas if they are so good
what ? becuase they care about decentralized mining? gtfo
No, I don't think it is going to turn out to be vaporware. As for why are they selling them if they are so great? Senseless addressed that question: He wanted to start his own private farm with 3,000 units but could not find the funding. No, I agree, this is not about decentralization. But that does not mean this FPGA thing is going to be smoke and mirrors. You can quote this: by Thanksgiving there will be actual YouTube videos of FPGA units wailing away at certain algorithms. And yes, I did order 2 BCU1525 units. If I can shrink my foot print, draw less power, and have some hope of reprogramming/repurposing, then I am all for it.
agreed on the YT videos, I will make some of them!
are 3 years old architecture, close to end of life. I doubt that the current fpgas being sold will be 10x faster or more efficient than 7nm gear or even the 11x series , its a better play to invest in crypto or mn coins
and wait for fallout
yeah I definitely understand your POV, I don't have the confidence in FPGA to build out a farm of them, just want to get a couple and see what all the hype is about. . Don't want a huge risk w/ them
I'm excited to see the next generation of GPUs finally come out, will be interesting to see how they impact mining (hopefully a massive impact)