i want to buy a site like BitVisitor ect. for a cheap price and look up for a loan/investion.
I try BTCjam, but it's clear no chance as newbe.
The offer is time limited, so i just try to find fast one or more investors.
Sure i would give any informations for security u want.
Write here or contact me! thx
Offer a valid collateral or no one will lend you free money
is a website that's worth 2k$ (more according to some sites) not a valid collateral?
what collateral did OP offer? the blog? im not sure but i read his posts he dont want to use that as collateral coz he wants to earn with it.
No i mean this is my collataral + the site i will buy. I just mean i will do everything to make all payments cause i dont wanna sell my site, u know.
Sorry my english isnt perfect, maybe u missunderstand.
I will buy a site (let us named it BuyMe.com) for around 8 BTC (its all fixed and the owner is just waiting).
So if i buy it from the loan, i have a site with a value. If u want u can give it the half value of the Buying amouth (whats wrong, but ok) - 4BTC
Then i offer my Blog with a value of 1-2k$ - lets say again the lowest level - 1000$
At all i give a minimum collateral of 4BTC and 1000$.