I was looking at some statistics about FIAT money, taking the European Union's Euro as an example.
When comparing physical money, i.e., banknotes and coins, bank deposits, a stark difference can be noticed.
physical Euro money:
~1.5 Trillion
https://www.ecb.europa.eu/euro/banknotes/html/index.en.htmlAll while the Euros in bank accounts peaked at a total of 11.7 trillion, now 10.5 trillion
https://data.ecb.europa.eu/data/datasets/BSI/BSI.M.U2.Y.V.M10.X.1.U2.2300.Z01.EWhat does this mean? There's undeniable proof that central banks know with confidence that most of the money in existence isn't destined for usage by real flesh and bone humans.
It's printed specifically to be used by governments, banks and mega corporations, that will never need to withdraw it from an ATM like a real person would.
when someone deposits cash into a bank. that bank sends it away to be burned.
the bank needs to keep a daily allowance of upto EU500 per account ready to access (ATM and cashtellers) per day
which they send active requests to the mint to print and deliver to refill atms when people withdraw from the ATM.
this process is not the inflation "print" its just the 'burn one: print one'.. like for like to keep banknotes clean/uptodate.
which when someone withdraws via ATM... the 500 digital amount decreases(on customers viewing side) to pay for the 500cash tomorrow which the person took out of the ATM today for the action of requesting 500.. thus the atm needs to be refilled.
the amount of cash in banks(ATM's/cash tellers) is not the $1.5trill but more closer to $400billlion the other $1.1trillion is in separate businesses cash tills, safes, peoples pockets etc
lets say a bank had (for simplicity) 1 customer
average savings 7400 each
cash in hand 7400. deposits it. 7400 cash burned. 7400 bank account balanced. bank then buys 500 fresh notes to cover that customers ATM withdrawal limit
if the customer takes 500 cash tomorrow the bank buys another 500 to refill ATM for next day
the 500 bank balance isnt exactly deleted, it goes to the mint to buy fresh banknotes at face value to refill the ATM for what went out of the ATM
once printed the mint(treasury) is only allowed to keep a few percent of the amount paid to print notes
banks dont keep citizens full bank savings amount in the bank. they dont need to.. they just hold 5-8% of bank balance for withdrawals