I really need help with getting setup with sgminer & 300+ KH/s Single Gridseed ASIC Miner.
So far, I have
A1). sgminer-4.1.271 extracted to a folder.
A2). I've pulled ckolivas.cl out of kernel folder into main folder of sgminer.
A3). I created a config file called sgminer.conf with so far in it
"pools" : [
"url" : "stratum+tcp://mine.coinshift.com:3333",
"user" : "12NcNYb2oEh6ANo95AakEjPqQdgbcxh4m9",
"pass" : "x"
"kernel" : "ckolivas",
"kernel-path" : "/usr/local/bin"
With that, that is as much as I know.
I read the readme.md, and I just cannot understand the language it speaks.
A4). Do I need a driver for this asic? If so where do I go?
Am I missing anything out of the conf file?
Basically am I missing anything at all?
If you really need it, i have 2 bucks in btc for bounty to get me going, it's all I have.